Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Israelis, the use of credit card spending is higher than the European countries

According to the survey, with the Israelis, such as credit card spending amounted to NIS 94,000,000,000, representing a growth of 7% last year. This year a total of 4,200,000 issued credit cards, a total of 11 species, 75% of the Israelis, the use of credit cards, mainly used for private consumption (excluding motor vehicles), the number of credit card transaction volume of checks is a 2-fold. Israelis, the average annual credit card spending 5800 euros, higher than the European credit card spending highest in France (3380 euros) and ranked second in the United Kingdom (3300 euros). On the credit card market turnover, in European countries, Israel ranked fifth. Israeli credit card market success is mainly due to the intense competition in the field, the unique design of payment and credit card gifts, and other activities.

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