Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Germany continued growth in the credit card market

Germany's credit card market is continuously expanding domestic competition has become increasingly keen. However, the market really have so much potential for the time being remains unknown. Germany, Europe's largest country there are only 3,000,000 VISA card users. And the United Kingdom as many as 30,000,000. Germans only 1% of shopping is the use of credit cards, while the United States as much as 18%. However, sales of advertising and encouragement from Visa card (Visa Intelna-tional) and the European card (EUfOCtql'd) in the number of customers are double-digit rate of increase. Analysts pointed out that the Germans like to pay in cash as well as the clearing bank, even though the credit card market will continue to grow, but the prevalence of credit cards may be lower than market forecasts. In fact, every year is not a credit card issued by the company are expected to increase

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