Wednesday, October 1, 2008

India: Global retail "gold mine"

Indian retail market value of a total of 330,000,000,000 U.S. dollars, and in the past 5 years, the average annual growth rate of 10%. Due to India's rapidly growing middle class, Wal-Mart, Carrefour and other international retail giants have their eyes aimed at India. Do not go to college education software Bank cards quickly Safety Q-for-money Q phones to communicate without limits of age Magic Show do not miss the chance expression of feelings Guanzhongkuibao perspicacious QQ Xiu Xiu really a personality self - In response, India's Minister of Industry, Commerce and卡梅尔纳斯that organized large-scale retail enterprises have many benefits: first, consumers can buy at lower prices and better products, sales Means that the increase should be more large-scale production, more employment opportunities for a better future. Second, farmers can own product marketing with the bulk of the processing and packaging linked, so that their products sell better price, which is anxious to raise the income of the farmers of the large agricultural India, is very important. Retail market has great potential In India, large-scale development of the retail sector is also very likely to return attractive. As the world's fastest growing economies, India in the past 3 years, the average GDP annual growth rate of 7.5 percent. In view of the younger population in India and the savings rate characteristics, even the most conservative economists have forecast that the number of India in the next 10 years will keep about 6% economic growth, an optimist to believe that this figure may increase 8% or higher. More importantly, India's main source of economic growth comes from personal expenditures, which retail trade is no doubt a very favorable growth characteristics. Private consumption accounted for 64 percent of India's economy, more than 58% in Europe and Japan by 55%. In addition, business opportunities and also the potential value of most retailers. At present, India is still a poor country, an average of every 50 households only have a credit card, only 1 / 6 of the family refrigerator, but it indicates the potential development of a huge domestic retail market. Moreover, in accordance with annual household income of more than 4400 U.S. dollars standard, India is currently a total of 58,000,000 households belong to the middle class, and if the standard down to 2000 U.S. dollars, India's middle class families will be 300,000,000. For such a huge purchasing power of retailers, no doubt can not be ignored. Opening up retail is not easy In India, internal opposition to opening up the retail industry is very powerful voice, people worried that the entry of foreign supermarket chains to India Jikua millions of small shops. But India's Congress Party-led coalition government has put forward 15 years to complete lifting of the retail industry regulation, the full liberalization of the Indian economy. Whether or not to allow foreign direct investment into the Indian retail industry has become a test of the Congress Party can overcome resistance to reform of the touchstone. For example, from the land, the development of enterprises in India, one of the main problems is access to land. In many parts of India, the land-use rights often vague and land acquisition are also bound by the terms of a variety of restrictive. For example, in New Delhi, in February 2006 the Supreme Court asked the Government to take action against illegal construction and living with the abuse of land, which led to a large number of shops were forced to shut down or demolished, land-use risks to become India's most concentrated expression. It is incredible that India is currently the largest retail enterprises with annual sales amounting to RMB 3,000,000,000 yuan, the top 5 retailers combined market share of less than 2%. But a 2003 survey in India, the opening of a new shop on average from 11 government departments obtained 15 permits, which usually takes six months and 50 million rupees. At the same time, the informal retail sector would also be prepared to deal with complex rules, the high cost of the tax system; from the choice of employment, although the retail industry in India to create a large number of job opportunities, but in the eyes of the Indians in this industry And decent enough. It is because of this, both those opposed to large-scale development of the domestic retail industry is also opposed to foreign access to the retail industry that the emergence of large-scale retail sector will take away the livelihood of small shopkeepers, but also will allow only those who have received basic education to people No livelihoods depend. Foreign investment in retail or blowout India's large retail chains and retail is almost a white. Have more than 1000 million people in the capital, only a handful of the several department stores and other so-called market as farmers markets, shopping is a great inconvenience to India, the feelings of foreigners in general. However, in India, in addition to the retail industry is the largest off-farm sources of employment, total absorption of India 6-7 percent of the employed population, to create the industry's equivalent to the value of India's 10% of the national GDP. It is the biggest foreign investors look forward to opening up India's retail industry. In a recent economic summit of India, Indian Finance Minister said the Government of India has begun discussions on this issue, in four months, the measures will be introduced. At present, India's opening up retail to foreign investment, there are three restrictions: no more than 49% of foreign investment; foreign investment in any supermarket in the city can not open more than one number; in either format of foreign investment in India to open stores must sell food. Fortunately, the Government of India has recently announced a series of huge infrastructure projects. For example, in the next 6 years will cost Rs 1,000,000,000,000 (1 U.S. dollars or about 45 rupees) to 60 cities in the country's infrastructure. India's electricity supply, road and port development lags behind, needs investment, which is considered to be the development of the informal retail sector the biggest obstacle. Once the above is really the elimination of obstacles, India retail industry may be the development of high-speed blow-out

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