Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Israelis, the use of credit card spending is higher than the European countries

According to the survey, with the Israelis, such as credit card spending amounted to NIS 94,000,000,000, representing a growth of 7% last year. This year a total of 4,200,000 issued credit cards, a total of 11 species, 75% of the Israelis, the use of credit cards, mainly used for private consumption (excluding motor vehicles), the number of credit card transaction volume of checks is a 2-fold. Israelis, the average annual credit card spending 5800 euros, higher than the European credit card spending highest in France (3380 euros) and ranked second in the United Kingdom (3300 euros). On the credit card market turnover, in European countries, Israel ranked fifth. Israeli credit card market success is mainly due to the intense competition in the field, the unique design of payment and credit card gifts, and other activities.

Credit card spending by foreign tourists Portugal

Portugal's foreign visitors continue to drive a strong increase in consumer credit card. According to the international network of credit card services company "Unicre" The latest data show that in 2007 in Portugal the use of foreign bank credit card spending amount increased by 20%, created in the past 10 years, the highest point. Unicre statistics, in 2007, Portugal's foreign trade bank to use credit and debit cards amounted to a total of 240 million euros the previous year, an increase of 20 billion euros. In shopping, foreign tourists on the amount of credit card transactions over the previous year, an increase of 200,000,000 euros

G & D for Euro 2008 soccer championships design unique credit card

Munich, Wiesbaden. DG German publishing house for the family credit cooperative banks (Volksbanken. Raiffeisenbanken) to provide a limited version of the sports MasterCard credit card. This card is designed to be the original Adidas "Europe Pass" (EUROPASS) Football Championship, is involved in the supply of specialized sports, especially soccer matches customers. The credit card through cooperative bank, a subsidiary of family order. Credit card manufacturer G & D to use a special kind of production technology, so that the card face a slightly impressive flash. As the credit card company MasterCard is the European Cup in 2008 season, the official organizers, if the customer is in the MasterCard sports portal - Web enthusiasts card to open an application, the consumption of 1 euro each customer can have additional points, And the proceeds can also accumulate points to the significant number of dividend, In addition, these customers can also participate in the lottery Web site to provide games and activities. DG Press of the Executive Committee of the Andreas. Dr. Ma Ding said: "MasterCard sports enthusiast Web site Web site with a lot of measures to encourage customers to apply for the MasterCard credit card, because the period of the credit cooperative banks family is the increase in customers The best period. And because of the unique design of the card to make it very suitable for the European Cup in the 2008 season sales, and competition. The structural design of the card contains a transparent multi-layer coating, a great printing technology is applied to the surface of the card "permit Europe," football fans on site and Active Fever logo, together with a special production process to create Impressive results. G & D Division to cover Aikesaier director. Danning Ge said: "The growing number of new grasped the design of the card holder's heart, and the card into a great fashion items. As This time, in almost new three-dimensional football MasterCard credit card, a credit cooperative bank's family was impressed by the Federation of customers. "

How to make good use of credit cards in Europe

Europe travel to China and opening up, more and more people choose Europe as a resort. Travel to Europe, travel farther, carry cash in the body is not safe. Therefore, the use of credit cards is not only convenient but also more secure. To apply for dual-currency card Many people now use the dual-currency card is the yuan / dollar. If you use this card in consumption in the euro zone, although no credit card fees, but the use of U.S. dollar-denominated time required to pay the additional cost of conversion. There are many banks to launch RMB / euro dual currency card, which can be removed from unnecessary expenses, such as people's livelihood, ICBC, Bank of China, and so on. Signed in Chinese Consumer credit card use in Europe, few will want to password, are generally recognized signature. Therefore, after the credit card receipt, in addition to Yankan card information should also be immediately written on the back of the sign. The best recommendation is signed by Chinese abroad will be to reduce the risk of fraudulent use of a lot. Separate card number Away from home, we must be careful custody of the property, it is best to open sub-wallet and passport. Suggested that credit card numbers copied down another save, even if lost, report the loss can also provide information in a timely manner, the first card lock to prevent theft. Appropriate adjustments to credit Students often see here that the post size limit. I think from a security point of view, not appropriate the amount is too high. The best estimate is needed to travel to spend more or less the total amount, if the original line is indeed a huge difference, to raise the application again. To retain documents Each card, remember to keep receipts, do so well documented. Will not say for sure that the wrong amount of the deduction status, but be careful to avoid the loss prevention is better. On-line booking and shopping In addition to direct sales in Europe, online shopping and booking air tickets are very common. These sites accept VISA and MASTER cards. Usually need to enter the cardholder name, card number, card expiration of the time, as well as the back of the card's three-digit security code. As proof of identity Many European airlines are providing e-tickets. There are credit card, do not need to be manually check-in counters for boarding. Directly in the automatic machine with your credit card as identification to verify it. When the counter long queues, you can quickly and easily get the formalities of.

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